Fountain of Health

Agua, high quality H2O, plain ol’ water or my favorite, Adam’s Ale. No matter what you call it, water is absolutely a cornerstone to life. Water comprises ~70% of our body and plays a role in every bodily function. From temperature regulation and lubricant of joints to detoxification, adequate water consumption is necessary for an optimized lifestyle.

 As the hot season is rapidly approaching, one way to prepare is by making small changes today in the amount of water you drink. Usually I suggest people get half to a full ounce of water per pound of body weight, but as it gets warmer and you sweat more, that amount can be increased individually. Or as I saw on a meme once, “if you drink a gallon of water a day, you won’t have time for people’s drama because you’ll be too busy peeing.”

 If it is hard to remember to drink water through the day you can try getting a water bottle and set an alarm to fill it up every hour, empty or not.

If you don’t like the taste of water try adding cucumber, lemon, or mint to the water to spruce it up. You can even drink unsweetened green tea that will provide antioxidants as well. Whatever way you find helpful, do that.

 Finally, and least of all, eat more vegetables and fruits. Any fresh fruits and vegetables are great ways to increase your fluid intake through your food. Aim for at least 3 colors of produce on each plate to have a variety! Some water-rich produce include: cucumber (97%); lettuce, celery, zucchini (95%), spinach (92%); broccoli (91%); carrots (87%); tomato (94%); watermelon (92%); grapefruit & strawberries (91%); cantaloupe (90%); peach (88%); apple (84%); pineapple (87%); raspberries (87%); apricot (86%); blueberries (85%); apple (84%); cherries (81%); banana (74%).

 As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to contact me. We can discuss an eating and hydration plan just for you.