National Nutrition Month Week 1: Hydration 101

How much water should you be drinking daily?

Temperatures are heating up here in Texas! Hydration is critical to your brain and body processes. Hydrating can improve performance by increasing energy, improving movement, recovery, agility and aids in mental clarity and activity.

Daily recommendation:

½ - 1 oz per pound of body weight

            *Example: 150lbs x (1/2 – 1 oz) = 75 - 150 oz per day


Electrolytes (sodium, magnesium, potassium) are another part of hydration that help your body retain fluid and stimulate thirst. Although sports drinks are highly marketed, it is important to check the nutrition label to check the quality/quantity of electrolytes. It is recommended to drink water first, then include a carbohydrate drink if needed.

How to check hydration:

-       Urine color: should be a pale to lemonade color

-       Skin turgor: pinch skin on knuckle

-       Signs of thirst: dry mouth, lips and tongue

-       Feeling dizzy or lightheaded

Tips to staying hydrated:

-       Carry a water bottle throughout the day

-       Set an alarm or reminder to drink water every 1-2 hours

-       Track your water intake to hold yourself accountable

-       Add flavor to your water to increase intake (lemon, mint, cucumber, berries)